To contact us or to ask for an appointment please call: +49-251-788-788-0, send us an email to info (at) Emergency appointments can be accomodated. We look forward to hearing from you!
First information about Huntington's disease in German is available in a booklet entitled "Huntington's disease compact" providing treatment options and frequently asekd questions for patients and caregivers in lay language. It was publihed by Thieme in 2022 and edited by Drs. Ralf Reilmann and Bernhard Landwehrmeyer.
The booklet is available online at no charge if you click on the picture on the right:
Eine genauere Auswertung der PROOF-HD Studie hat gezeigt, dass Patienten von Pridopidine profitieren, wenn sie gewisse Medikament nicht einnehmen. Die Firma Prilenia hat daher bei der europäischen Zulassungsbehörde EMA beantragt, das Medikament für Huntington Patienten zuzulassen. Die EMA wird sich die Daten nun anschauen und dann mit einer Beurteilung der Sachlage an den Sponsor herantreten. Es ist also möglich, dass Pridopidine eine Zulassung in Europa bekommt. Ob es wirklich dazu kommt bleibt aber abzuwarten.
Read moreThe "PIVOT-HD" study sponsored by PTC Therapeutics investigates an oral drug aiming to lower the production of the protein huntingtin.
Read more"SELECT-HD" aims to selectively reduce production of the mutated huntingtin using an ASO.
Read moreGHI participates in a study sponsorded by SOM-Biotech that investigates a new drug aiming to redcue chora in Huntington's disease.
Read moreDie Firma Roche hat in einer Pressemeldung mitgeteilt, dass die Generation-HD1 Studie mit dem Antise...
Read moreGHI will shortly start the pivotal phase III trial PROOF-HD with Pridopidine. Several studies observ...
Read moreWe're a multidisciplinary team of neurologists, physicians, study nurses and natural scientists, to provide clinical care and advance clinical research in HD.
Read moreContact us if you are interested in clinical studies that are currently conducted. GHI participates in most of the clinical trials that are conducted in HD globally.
Read moreAre you interested in helping out to find a cure for HD? Or do you want to help our team with the clinical care of HD patients? Find our job openings here.
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